9 research outputs found


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    Article reviews the development of tourism in the three selected countries of the European Union in the early 21st century. It focuses to the period before and after accession of the Slovak Republic to the European Union. The study points to the area that is dedicated to tourism within the European community. The findings present the evaluation of selected indicators: number/development of accommodation facilities of transitional housing) of the national tourism in the stated period on the example of the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and Germany. To evaluate the development of tourism sphere on chosen indicators there were used and presented mathematical - statistical methods as: the arithmetic average, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, median, average growth rate, the average rate of increase, the geometric average, and correlation and regression analysis. Since the compared countries have significantly different population rate, infrastructure and tourism operators’ coverage, comparison of absolute indicators of these countries in the field of tourism was limited to basic findings of the results of elementary statistical characteristics - capacity of collective tourist accommodation establishments and their growth rate. The survey results pointed to significant differences in performance in tourism of chosen countries

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges

    Wochenendfremdenverkehr der Einwohner der Stadt Košice in Betracht der neuen Art der Freizeitverbringung in den Vergnügungseinkaufszentren

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    Der Wochenendfremdenverkehr stellt die massenhafte Teilnahme der Einwohner an dem Fremdenverkehr dar. Košice disponiert mit dem größten Potenzial für die Entwicklung des Wochenendenverkehrs und vielen Möglichkeiten der Ausnutzung im Bereich der historisch-kulturellen Denkmäler, gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen und der Verbreitung des Netzes der Verwaltungsinstitutionen. 2013 wird Košice die Europäische Kulturhauptstadt sein, im Bereich der Entwicklung auf dem Feld der Kultur und der Fremdenverkehr werden viele Projekte realisiert, die nicht nur heimische sondern auch ausländische Besucher anziehen sollen. Freizeitvertreibung in den großräumigen Einzelnhandelsgeschäften, vor allem im den Vergnügungs- einkaufszentren, die die Kombination von vielen Läden und breitem Angebot der Dienstleistungen darstellen, ist in der letzten Zeit immer beliebtere Wochenend-aktivität

    The Visit Rate of Bardejov Spa in the Context of its History

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    The main objective of this article was to evaluate the impact of historical events on the visit rate of Bardejov Spa in various periods of its development (in the years of 1814–2016). The collection of information on clients’ spa visits, especially the oldest data, was difficult (19th century and 1st and 2nd World War). Much information was available only in the State Archive of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic in Hungarian and Latin. Some data for several years were not available at all, and some data were not recorded in writing. The paper summarizes the history of the spa, natural medical sources, spa treatment and indications. At present, the number of guests has an increasing trend, as evidenced by the visit rate for 2016, as well as by current data for 2017. In 2016, Bardejov Spa reached a pick of the visit rate with 25,863 clients. In 2017, there were 27,170 clients. The main clients are the Slovaks, about 90%

    An introduction to the issue of Slovak spa with an example of the visit rate of Bardejov Spa in the context of history

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    The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the visit rate of Slovak Spa in general as well as the Bardejov Spa in the context of history in various periods of their development (in the years 1814-2017). In addition, there is a comprehensive view of the spa tourism development in the Bardejov Spa. The paper summarizes the history of the spa, natural medical sources, spa treatment and indications. The regression analysis has shown that an increase in the number of visitors was influenced by reconstruction, the development of treatment indications and visits of well-known historical figures, as shown by offsetting regression line with an increasing value of the variable (year) and the variable values visit.     

    Application of the huff model of shopping probability in the selected stores in Prešov (Prešov, the Slovak Republic)

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    The main objective of this article is the calculation of the Huff Model and the comparison of obtained data with the questionnaire survey results. Afterwards, we will try to assess the validity of this theoretical model of shopping probability for practical use as well as its overall objectivity. Calculation of the Huff Model of Probability will be calculated for nine large-scale retail stores in fifteen local regions within the area of the third largest town in the Slovak Republic - Prešov. These results will be compared to results of the questionnaire research which was conducted during the period of November 2013 until March 2014 on a sample of 1,096 respondents. The questionnaire was addressing customers' preference for various large-scale stores as well as their place of residence. Based on the calculation results and the results obtained from the questionnaire survey, cartographic outputs were created, pointing out overall consistency as well as differences in the already mentioned results

    Number of financial indicators as a factor of multi-criteria analysis via the TOPSIS technique: A municipal case study

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    Multi-criteria analysis is a decision-making and efficiency assessment tool for application in both the private and public sectors. Its application is preceded by the selection of suitable indicators and a homogenous set of variants, as well as suitable methods based on the nature of the input data. The goal of the submitted research is to highlight the importance of selecting suitable indicators using a case study assessment of the financial health of a municipality-more precisely, the efficiency of management of this municipality. Four key indicators, thirty-two homogenous subjects, and one multi-criteria analysis method were identified in this study based on the theoretical foundations of the specific issue. These elements were processed into a total of 14 variants depending on the number of assessed indicators. Then, these results were subjected to statistical verification alongside verification using the Jaccard index. Based on the acquired results, we highlight the need for correct and expert identification of the relevant sets of alternatives (the criteria matrix) and expert discussion, which should precede the selection of the assessed indicators and objectify this selection process as much as possible. Assessment based on a low number of indicators was shown to be insufficient, highly variable, and diverse, and these differences were partially eliminated as the number of assessed indicators increased.Web of Science142art. no. 6

    Current Shopping Trends In Slovakia

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    Understanding the buying and shopping behaviour of current and potential consumers is essential in formulating a successful marketing strategy. It is no longer sufficient for companies to merely produce goods or provide services; companies must know who their consumers are, why they buy, when, where and at what price they buy, and what benefits they expect to gain from the purchase. Companies also need to identify how far consumers are willing to travel to make their purchases and whether the size of the sales area plays a significant role in their preferences. Retailers must also determine whether their customers prefer online shopping or want to buy and spend their leisure time in shopping centres. The paper aims at presenting the selected current trends in buying and shopping through elaborating an overview of the selected research studies and secondary data. The paper also gives an overview of contemporary trends in shopping, customer preferences with regard to types of retail outlets, e-commerce as such, buying and shopping in the online environment and, last but not least, the changes in consumer behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pochopenie nákupného správania súčasných a potenciálnych spotrebiteľov je podstatou úspešnej marketingovej orientácie na trhu. Nestačí už len vyrábať výrobky, resp. Poskytovať služby, je potrebné poznať, kto je spotrebiteľ, prečo nakupuje, kedy a kde nakupuje, za akú cenu a aký úžitok od nákupu očakáva. Akú vzdialenosť je ochotný prejsť za nákupmi, či hrá v tejto preferencii podstatnú úlohu predajná plocha predajne, alebo vzdialenosť. Či preferuje online prostredie, alebo chce okrem nákupov (hlavne) v nákupných centrách tráviť aj svoj voľný čas. Cieľom nášho príspevku bolo zhodnotiť vybrané súčasné trendy v nakupovaní prostredníctvom spracovania prehľadu vybraných výskumov a sekundárnych dát. V príspevku sa stručne venujeme prehľadu súčasných trendov v nakupovaní, preferenciám spotrebiteľov podľa typu predajní, elektronickému obchodu ako takému, nakupovaniu v online prostredí a v neposlednom rade aj zmenám v spotrebiteľskom správaní počas trvania pandemie COVID-19